Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Dream

The mind is cruel
It toys with you
It makes you think
You think you want
It makes you believe
You believe you need
It makes you dream
But it's all in the mind
It sets you off, chasing mirages
It convinces you that they're yours
Personal, irreplaceable dreams
It leads you on a merry chase
It makes you doubt
It makes you wonder
It makes you bitter
And a bit of a cynic
It might even make you crazy
Till that incredible point in your life
When you actually catch a dream
And hold it, fluttering in your hands
When you look upon it
Willing yourself to believe it's real
When you taste it
And breathe it in
That moment when you realise that
The mind wasn't lying
It was just waiting
For you to grow up
For you to be ready
For you to be wise
For you to get over yourself
And the rest of the world
For you to be willing
And desperate enough
For you to take chances
And get lucky enough
Enough for the dream
Because the dream is real
And it starts now


Plain Boring Jane said...

good to see you're writing again. welcome back!

Unknown said...

The writer in you is happy again.