Sunday, October 12, 2008

Move Along

Take five minutes to do this… But do this.

Close your eyes (after you have read this paragraph). Think of the best memories you have had. Over the last five years. Every intense, beautiful moment where you felt you wanted to stay right there in that time and place forever. Some of them might be linked other memories you want to forget. Some of them might have turned to bitter ashes over time. Some of them might be part of who you are today and what you still have (lucky you!). But try and isolate those memories for the sheer beauty and happiness they brought you back when they happened. Ready? Close your eyes now…

No, really. Close your eyes and do this. You can read on when you’re done.

Welcome back, stranger. I don’t know the mood you’re in or what those memories were. I don’t know what you’re feeling either. But there is something I want to say to you that needs you to be in the frame of mind you are in now.

That smile, that tear (funny how you have shed tears so often in the most beautiful moments in your life), that precious little ache in the heart, that all-pervading feeling of blissful happiness, that rush of adrenalin which for that one moment actually took you to the top of the world, that intense desire to clutch on to the moment for all you’re worth… Did it all come back? Even for an instant, did you at least feel the fleeting ghost of those glorious emotions?

If yes, then you are where I want you to be; in this happy, nostalgic place where you remember just how beautiful life can be. And before you slip into the melancholy that comes from the realization of what you’ve lost (or the satisfaction of gloating over what you have), let me tell you something.

There is more.

Much more.

It might not be bigger and better (or new and improved!), but it will still be intense and beautiful. Life is putting together a whole new bouquet of these moments for you. But if you are too lost in reminiscing over faded, brittle skeletons of dead flowers in the scrapbooks of your past, you might just miss out on picking up those heady blossoms that life throws at you to fill up your present. The beauty that you felt in those moments you remembered in the five minutes is over and done with. It will come back at times and pass you by like an angelic vision you can appreciate but can never possess. But you do realise, it is gone.

Life goes on.
For every divorce, there will be ten weddings. For every funeral, there will be a hundred celebrations of birth. For every memory that you have, there are a thousand more experiences that might still be.

Life does go on. And it tries to take you with it. But if you’re clutching on to that thorny husk of a memory long dead, with your eyes screwed shut to everything else… you might just miss the train to something new that awaits you. So open your eyes, unclench your cramped limbs, stretch… and move along. Life is waiting for you.

Cogito Ergo Vivum


Pria K said...

" Life is putting together a whole new bouquet of these moments for you." I loved this line!
Three cheers to life and here's to living each day to the fullest! :)

See Bee said...

"Life goes on. For every divorce, there will be ten weddings. For every funeral, there will be a hundred celebrations of birth. For every memory that you have, there are a thousand more experiences that might still be. "

very very beautiful

Abhisarika said...
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