Friday, May 23, 2008

Moderate Opinions

In Geometry lessons in school, the best way to draw a straight line was to define two points and then join them up with a smart line scratched out along with the side of a scale. For once, this is not meandering rumination but a very specific (and bulletproof) idea. And what better way to draw a line of thought than to pin down the two points at either end of it. So here go the points, two quotations spanning two millennia and, in all probability, two very different men.

Moderation in all things, including moderationAttributed to Titus Petronius
1st Century AD

Opinions are like… noses?! Everyone has one! Paraphrased, Anonymous
20th Century AD

We live in extremely indulgent times. And with the contempt bred off familiarity, we don’t really appreciate how indulgent they are. In the 17th century, some 400 years ago, Galileo Galilei was prosecuted and placed under house arrest for life for supporting the Copernican Heliocentric ‘myth’ (sun-centric universe as opposed to the biblical earth-centric one). And today, we have freedom of speech that allows us to diss the state-heads or the pope (but NOT a certain South Indian actor). Some dissers do diss-appear rather mysteriously, but then that’s always a risk.

These indulgent times seem to have fostered an obsession with opinions. Everyone does indeed have one. And as the original quotation about opinions (that didn’t make it here because of the censor filters) indicates, they do tend to stink pretty often. But then a permissive society implies the explicit freedom to opine subjectively. Not surprisingly, everyone’s at it!

In many ways, it’s a good thing. Tyrants have been overthrown (and lynched), outdated systems have been torn down (and replaced with even more ridiculous ones) and good causes have been adopted (and groomed into boisterous free-for-alls). I’m sorry, but it’s getting obvious. I have an opinion… against opinions!

It might be a very oxymoronic way of being, but at the same time, it is a very persistent one. If there is one thing I truly believe in, it is moderation. The human body has been built for moderation. The survival of our species is the result of millennia of moderation. And our stupendous growth and development, especially in the last two centuries, is a result of moderation too… moderation in moderation.

Now what does moderation have to do with opinions? It’s pretty simple, really. Opinions are rather benign things, except when taken to the extreme. Sweeping generalizations, rabid convictions (backed with nothing more than hate and spittle) and zombie-like mob mentality are all the franken-offspring of opinions. It all comes down to us versus them and in that silent moment before the storm, there is always an opinion setting flame to fuel. The result; hate, hurt and sundry horrors.

I am often questioned about my lack of a standpoint. It is often equated with a likening to an invertebrate. I am asked if I am not infuriated by the plight of the under-privileged and the atrocities of the powerful. My answer is always the same; I do not know enough to foster such strong sentiments. And given all that I am occupied with, it is unlikely I will have the time to enquire and research enough to gather accurate and sufficient information about all these causes.

I am an average guy (next planet probably) with a personal set of dreams, some them even indirectly resulting in public good. I have but one life and a whole lot of things to do within its infinitesimally short span. I often do not have the time for a peaceful morning tea. Making time for opinions about urban legends raked up by manic strangers halfway across the world is quite out of the question. In short, given the option between moderation and opining, I’d choose the em-word every single time. And that is my opinion!
Damn! Did I just contradict everything I said?

Cogito Ergo Finito

1 comment:

PriyatRaj said...

Honey, it definitely sounds like a huge defense for your apathy. We do not live in indulgent times, as much as in apathetic times. Tsk! Tsk!