Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Fight

There is hope, they say. Things will change. For the better. Hang in there. Wait. Have faith.

Listen carefully, and you can hear the clang of empty words, the whisper of inanity, the snicker of well-meaning nothingness.

There is hope…

For every you that is battered, there’s a you that fight backs. For every you that falls, there is a you who struggles back up. For every you that breaks down and cries, there is a you who lets out a defiant scream and carries on.

What’s keeping you going? Hope? Faith? Momentum?

It doesn’t matter. Find peace in the exhaustion brought on by the end of the day, and greet the beginning of the next day for the bloody struggle it might well be. All that matters is that you’re still fighting. If you fall tomorrow, you will be remembered for the fight. For your defiance. For your spirit. . Because, it was a good fight.

Redemption? There is none. There might be a bonus for you, as much controlled by chance as anything else. If there is Someone watching and He or She has a plan, it’s too damn ineffable for you to figure out what to do to get it right. Don’t weaken yourself with hope. You will only crane your neck to catch sight of wisps, setting yourself up for the next sucker punch.

There is hope… Sure, hiding in a box filled with the nastiest company this side of Harlem. Things will change… You bet they will. For the better… Definitely. Someone will benefit, even if it is only the undertaker.
What is definite is that there is a fight on. You’re not lucky enough to be a spectator. You’re one of the bloodied pieces of meat swinging it out in the ring. So glove up, brace yourself, and let loose. Irrespective of the outcome, know that I’ll be cheering for you. Somewhere in between my bouts.
Cogito Ergo Finito

1 comment:

Akanksha said...

Some really strong opinions here - empty words, nothingness! I agree with most of it, except that hope, faith and all these good things are not really empty. It depends on what the faith is in.

Hope/Faith that things will change on their own is surely empty, but the faith that no matter what, YOU (because of the fighter you are!) will come out of it...isnt empty.

Hopefully they are not telling to sit there and wait for things to change. They are asking you to do exactly what you said in the end. Fight! and they will be there to cheer for you and pick you up in case you do fall. Sometimes that cheer is all you need in addition to your own strength. In the end it doesnt matter what word you give to it...but emptiness/nothingness isnt the right one IMHO. :)