Saturday, February 20, 2010

Filing Time

Lay down your thoughts
On a slab of unrest
Worry not of what is to come
It is tagged, it is done
Slide home the baggage
And slam it closed
In the cold, dark recess
It will rest until called
Let it join the others
The ones that scurry and scratch
Asking to be let out
Begging, pleading, threatening
This one will wake up too
But it is safe for now
Inside, deep within
Where it belongs
Far, far away
From the light
From the life
And everything
That is to come

Cogito Ergo Finito


Nazanin said...

Arpan! at the beginning it was the word! where did you get it from? there is a persian poem from Dr. Ali Shariati which is: at the begining there was word and nothing else...

Wordscapist said...

Well, the saying usually is 'In the beginning, there was light...'For me words are much more precious, so I paraphrased... i didn't know Dr. Shariati had beaten me to it! :)

plain boring jane said...

on the third reading, i think i understand this post but am stumped about the title

Wordscapist said...

They 'file a John Doe' in the morgue... literally tagging him and placing him in a cabinet. This is a similar filing of thoughts... :)

plain boring jane said...

but why oh why are you filing thoughts? it can't be john doe, for sure...